Actioning Aged Care Reform Today

May 5, 2021 | Uncategorized

Actioning Aged Care Reform Today: Webinar Recording


This webinar was recorded on Tuesday 4th of May 2021. Hear from those delivering change on the ground, about the lessons they have learnt in operationalising person centred care. Hosted by Merlin Kong from innovAGEING.

Meet the Presenters

Merlin Kong from innovAGEING

Merlin Kong is the Head of innovAGEING & Principal Adviser for Innovation at Leading Age Services Australia, the association for all providers of age services.

April Creed from ExSitu

Co-Founder Executive Director – Clinical Systems and Quality. April has over 25 years’ experience in Aged Care as a Registered Nurse, a Palliative Care Nurse and as a Care Manager in a large Residential Aged Care Facility. She has a strong background in quality improvement and compliance while being passionate about empowering the vulnerable. April has a broad depth of knowledge spanning from her intimate understanding of the customer experience for those requiring care, to the day to day requirements necessary to successfully manage care in a respected and innovative Aged Care Facility.


Jessie Williams from The Groundswell Project

The GroundSwell Project works in healthcare, neighbourhoods and workplaces to build compassionate communities that support people through their toughest times of health decline, ageing, dying and grief. We are a social change organisation that encourages people to talk about death and dying and care in their own ways.


Simon Heaysman from Hayylo

Co-Founder & COO at Hayylo. After a personal experience involving the complexities of interacting with home care and his loved ones, Simon found a need to build a world where customers could seamlessly connect and communicate with providers, friends and families. Five years ago this world was named Hayylo and nowadays supports thousands of people receive better care services all over Australia.


Rebecca Glover from ExSitu

Co-Founder Executive Director – Technology / Product Development. Rebecca has over 16 years’ experience in various environments in Aged Care, ranging from Residential Aged Care to Home Care. She has a passion for utilising technology to improve human outcomes.

Learn more about the ExSitu app by requesting a FREE demo today. We’ll show you through the application, and how you can use our services to create person-centred care plans and have evidence of co-designed care.

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